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frequently asked
After you place an order, we’ll send you a confirmation email with your order details. When it ships, we will send you a email with a tracking number. When the parcel arrives to a pick-up point, you will receive a SMS with the shipment ID so you can pick up the parcel. Depending on the destination country, we must sometimes collect the product from our warehouses first and ship all in the same shipment, then it may take a few days more before shipment.
We have several warehouses and it's possible that the products arrive in several parcels, at diffrerent times. Even if it ships from the same warehouse, it can be devided into several parcels. Depending on the shipping company, sometimes larger parcels may arrive at a different time also. You can check the tracking to see if there are several parcels for your order. Wait a few days for all products to arrive.
After you place an order, we’ll send you a confirmation email with your order details. When it ships, we will send you a email with a tracking number. When the parcel arrives to a pick-up point, you will receive a SMS with the shipment ID so you can pick up the parcel. Depending on the destination country, we must sometimes collect the product from our warehouses first and ship all in the same shipment, then it may take a few days more before shipment.
If you used Klarna invoice, then you will receive the invoice from Klarna by email.
Most orders usually ship on the same day as the order is placed, sometimes within 1 hour or faster. Therefore it may be impossible to cancel the order and you must wait for the products to arrive and then return it. Do not simply ignore the delivery, this will then take 4-6 weeks before it is back and the return is processed. We charge the shipping cost for parcels that are not picked up.
q: Returns & Exchanges
In short, you can return a unused, brand new product in it's original condition. If you want to change size, place a new order now and the return will be refunded to the same payment method as you used when we receive the return. If it's used even for a day, then it's not a return item. If you started using it and you find a fault with it, it's a warranty case. Then contact us first.
Read our full return terms and instructions here:
q: Billing And Payment Options
All payments are processed by Klarna: cards, invoices, payment gateways etc. If you want to talk about the invoice payments, please contact Klarna directly.
Email us if you have questions. The easiest way is the reply to the order confirmation email that you received and write your questions. Or, you can contact us here:
Questions about products:
+358 400 893438
Questions about your orders:
+358 40 538 8060